I went over to the...... whatever side this is....
I am currently preparing for the Rapha Women's 100 (km) ride on 20 July. (It's an international event).
I have never ridden 100km. My current maximum is 80km.
As 100km is just a long time to be spending on the bike,
I thought, I should probably have a look at what this anti-chafing thing is that everyone keeps raving on about...
So my husband had a tube of Aussie butt cream (yep, that's what it's called - us Aussies don't beat around the bush.. hahaha).
The local bike shop dude recommended it and said they pretty much use it every time they get on a bike..
I thought, I'd better start getting used to it - I don't want to be halfway through my 100km and be like oh this is wrong.
So I wish I'd had these instructions:
But I didn't.
I just had my husband.
And the internet.
But who uses the internet, when you have your very own Encyclopedia Brown.
And so I squeeze out like 1cm of a tiny thread and I'm like is this enough?
And husband is like, no! you want 10 times that!
And I make it 2 times that and used that.
Afterwards, I realised husband was right. I could have used 10 times that amount.
It was weird at first, like squishy.
But it did really prevent any rubbing of the fabric on my skin.
It was just like a bit of extra moisturiser on my skin.
So it was good.
And now I wear it every time I wear lycra.
It's funny, so many things I was EW at first and now I'm "BEST THINGS EVER"!
1. padded lycra shorts
2. clipless pedals
3. chamois cream
Here is a good article on how to (politely) use chamois cream.
Includes - Avoid Eye Contact while you're applying it....
By the way, chamois creams have some of the best names..
He. He. He.