On Saturday, I went on a women's only ride this morning run by Liv / Giant. The Saturday morning CBD road ride for this month.
It was very enjoyable. The group was encouraged to introduce ourself to each other - so it made for a very friendly ride. There were 2 ride leaders, but the ride was mostly led from the front.
The pace was good - 22 km / h average which was comfortable.
Distance was about 35 km which was good, however, felt a bit longer because of the 7am start (later than most rides) and we had a flat at the beginning. But it meant that we were still out on the road after 9am so the sun was out and quite warm.
We were quite a large group so a little unruly on the road (not exactly a tight bunch) but we stayed together pretty well.
On the way back we split up into 2 groups - hills vs no hills.
I went on the hills group as I am already familiar with Mons & Torrington.
I ended up going on the back of the group. From the MC rides, I am used to there being someone at the back calling "Car Back!" so I kind of did that on the way back.
= "I am communicating there is a car back but I will leave it for the ride leader to make the call about changing lanes / going single file"
(I initially thought it meant "get out of the way immediately everyone, there is a car behind us!".)
As this ride is only once a month, I guess it's hard to create a routine and have regular riders to help control the group. (Like what MC do).
I spoke to my husband and he said there are actually other clubs such as SUvelo (Sydney Uni Cycling Club) are actually much more tight and organised on the road - one rectangular group (equidistant from each other) and rotate leaders consistently, etc.
In computer games, I often play medic / support roles, so I think it's quite natural for me to be the last rider and look after the group from the back. However, I haven't received structured guidance on how to do this role, so I hope I am helping rather than hindering!
Hey Ladies!
We only got 2 "ladies" comments from passers by.
1. "Good morning *ladies*!"
2. After taking a photo for us, "how about one from the back?"
Which to be honest was better than I expected.
So from Facebook I heard about this discussion in LA:
Henny Alamillo, Voluneer Coordinator of Cyclavia;
Daniella Alcedo, founder and current chair of the Pomona Valley Bicycle Coalition;
Melissa Balmer, editor of Pedal Love and director of Women on Bikes California;
Lauren Grabowski, bicycle and pedestrian planner for the UCLA Prevention Research Center;
Jennifer Klaunser, Executive Director of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition;
Hyeran Lee, Advocacy Chair of the UCLA Bicycle Coalition;
Susannah Lowber, creator of She Wolf Attack Team (SWAT);
Andrea Denike, creator of Bodacious Bike Babes;
Cynthia Rose, Director and co-founder of Santa Monica Spoke;
Siobhan, Braking the Limit blogger;
Maria Sipin, Pedal Love blogger;
Laura Torres, with Multicultural Communities for Mobility;
Nona Vernado, the force behind LA Bike Trains and creator of The Bird Wheel.
Copy of mp3 recording here. I found the first half interesting but tuned out a bit during the call-in section as it was quite LA-centric.
Some highlights:
What made you take up commuting?
- Health / Fitness - Trying to fit a workout into one's normal routine.
- Environment - Earth Day / No Car Day
- Social - Commuting with someone else.
Safety for bike commuting
- Get to know the neighbourhood - wave at other cyclists, people on the street, people on their porch. Cyclists are fun, happy people, no need to fear us or worry about us.
- Play the woman card - wearing pink, wearing a dress, smiling. Even though you get sexist comments, the motorists slow down! (Not always though!)
How to achieve equity for cyclists?
- Communicate the law - knowing the law related to cyclists. Why aren't these rules included in driving tests?
- Visibility - Portland is nicer to everyone because there are pedestrians, cyclists, dogs everywhere. They're proud of their biking infrastructure.
- Communication with other people on the road - eye contact, saying hi to people at red lights, being friendly (smiling, acknowledgement). Let them know that we know they're there, it's a team effort, we're all on the road together and we all want to work together.
- Communication with people we know - let them have space to "vent" about cyclists, but let them understand that you are a cyclist and that the people they are "venting" about includes you and you are on the road doing your best.
My tweet made it on the show!
"I've been looking for non aggressive ways to communicate with aggressive drivers."
Although, the group didn't really come up with anything immensely useful..
- Make "kissy" face back at them. :p
- Write messages on marshmallows and throw them through the driver's window! :p
- Pedal Love have been trying to brainstorm - get more allies out there. There are guys asking what can they do to support women?
- Educating families / schools - teaching children how to bike safely, navigate on roads. Have the kids bring home the messages to the adults. Cyclists aren't just strangers, they're your friends / families.
How to get more women into racing?
- Outreach and encourage women to race. Host womens racing clinics.
- It's ok to get hurt - it's no big deal - you can get hurt anywhere.
- Social aspect - cycling community
- Freedom, enjoyment, joy - experience and share this with others.
How to share this freedom / enjoyment / joy with others?
- Take people to cycling events (eg. CicLAvia)
- Reach out to inner circle. So people know at least 1 cyclist and the experiences.
- Combining love of cycling with love of something else - eg. nature. Do a tiny portion of cycling on street, but mostly in nature / on the beach.
- Sphere of influence - when someone says "I'm thinking of getting a bike" - take your chance to share your excitement - when you get excited for them, they're hooked, they get excited too!
Other notes
- Empowerment of women cycling and independently getting around will lead to empowerment in other avenues.
- Bicycle advocacy - remember the fun aspect
- Remain open minded about why people want to ride a bike.
- It's ok to push the Style & Fashion angle. It's about fun and joy. Sometimes in advocacy we can be heavy handed / too focussed on athleticism - sometimes it's ok to ride a couple of blocks, sometimes people want to ride the pretty bikes.
- It's difficult to educate a transient group (cyclists include lots of travellers / tourists) in relation to residents, etc.
- To make a change, we don't have to have the same voice, but we have to be speaking to each other.
- "Crashes / collisions" rather than referring to them as "accidents".
- Wear whatever make you feel comfortable and happy. Dress for your mood.
- Give tips to others, but acknowledge it is a journey of discovery and tips depend on how you want to ride, when you want to ride. There is not one solution for everyone.
Things you can't live without in your bag
- Chapstick
- License / emergency contact information
- Phone inside a plastic bag (to protect it from sweat)
- Baby powder
- Cucumber makeup wipes
- Buff = neck scarf for biking that saves you in any situation
Last note
I met up with my parents last night and my mum said, "How are your cats? Are they still alive? You never talk about them any more, it's all about cycling!"