Saturday, 1 February 2014

Ah, new shoes! 30% increase in speed?

(image via

Every other rider: "Ah new shoes!  Are you feeling the difference?"

Me: "Yeah.."

I'm not really....  It's a bit more about "cycling" (geddit?) my foot rather than taking turns and pushing down, but to be honest, I couldn't say it felt really different...

I'm not breaking my records on everything or anything..

Although, I spoke to my husband and because it's an efficiency thing, maybe I'm just less tired afterwards..

I guess it's hard to tell because this morning, I went a bit slower up the hills to try and maintain a sustainable pace.

I had this illogical thought that if I slowed down any more, I would stop / roll down the hill and figured a group ride was a good place to test this illogical thought.

It was perfectly fine to go slower (of course!).

Hopefully, if I can try and find a sustainable speed / pace, especially (and not crack) up Torrington, this will prepare me for the longer hill rides..

[EDIT: I was just thinking that my current apprehension of clip stacking resulting in slower, cautious riding may be negating any substantial benefits gained by the pedals.]