So after a bit, I realised that my lull in achieving my small goals was because I had turned my training tactic to finding my comfortable pace.
Instead of attacking up hills as fast as I could, I'd been pacing the hills to find the "I could do this all day" pace.
So I attacked a few times this week and got some icons through Strava.
Made me feel a bit better.
Husband and I might head to Akuna Bay / West Head tomorrow.
I might just do Akuna Bay and see what it's like.
1 week left until 80km Bobbin Head!
It's funny, I've met lots of girls who have signed up for it but it sounds a bit like none of us want to make a group because we're all too scared and don't want to hold anyone back.
We'll probably all find each other along the way and end up riding as a group.
Hopefully! That would be cool!