So, a quick post because I have to be in bed by 10pm to wake up at 5am (any variations cause issues in my morning prep..)
I have been having quite a number of nightmares about Bobbin Head. I think due to my fear and apprehension.
My training was sub-optimal, it rained the last few weeks when I had planned to do a rehearsal cycle out there so all I managed was a drive so I could at least sight what I would be cycling on.
I have an irrational fear that I'm going to descend off the mountain. Yep, somehow cycle off the road, and as the MC boys put it, bounce off the barrier, over the trees, 200m out and then plunge into the river?
Yes, I did already mention it was irrational.
My nightmare last night was about rushing somewhere along a route I was unfamiliar with, and I couldn't stop and work out where to go or how to get there, I had to go go go.
Despite all.. my rage I am still just a rat in a cage - I don't even know what that song is talking about..
Despite all the fear and apprehension, I know I can do it. I just need to focus and pace myself and not go in the red zone and just keep pedalling.
I know I haven't done this ride, but I know that I have done enough types of cycling to know what I need to do.
See you on the other side!