I went on the Local Bike Shop (LBS) ride this Saturday and despite us calling it halfway, we still got wet.
Which wasn't a major problem.
Except we then stood outside the coffee shop in the wind for an hour afterwards.
I got cold.
So today I went into the city to stock up on warmer gear.
I'm one of those people who freeze whenever they go swimming in the summer.
That school kid who turned purple and sat there shivering while all the other kids donated their towels.
As an example, I was wearing fleecy Winter arm warmers during the Sydney summer.
Anyway, I casually mentioned how I keep getting super cold at coffee and the girl at Liv Giant pulled out this jacket.
(Pearl Izumi W ELITE Barrier Jacket Women - peacock)
Which I then proceeded to fall in love with and have to buy.
I am biased though - I love anything aqua or pink.
Anyway, I wore it on the way to the morning ride this morning and at coffee and it was AMAZEBALLS.
Along with my new Winter cap, I was utterly toasty.
So happy.
Much happier than Saturday!
Eating More
So I'm trying to eat more.
Since starting cycling, I'd lost a bit of weight.
However, I'm finding that I'm tired all the time.
A lot of other cyclists suggested that it was a problem of nutrition.
As I find it hard to stomach things in the morning, plus, I tend to stick to eating things I think are tasty, I bought this book.
So I'm committing to cooking one thing from it every week.
I figure if I do up a batch, at least I have something on hand to eat - which is half the problem - it's easy to get lazy and not eat / eat badly when there's nothing good on hand.
This week I have:
Blueberry rice cakes - (sticky rice + coconut milk + blueberries)
And potato and sausage cakes - (potato + chicken sausages + egg + flour)
So I think I'm doing well in starting to build up a routine to make the cycling less impactful on other things.
Although, I love cycling so much, everything else seems boring in comparison! (Woe is you if you come across me shuffling around at work).
Speaking of work, I'd better be off! :)